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Buy SP Enanthate online

SP Enanthate

1 vial (250mg/ml 10 ml)
Composition: 1 vial contains 10 ml solution for injections; each ml contains testosterone enanthate 250 mg. Excipients: Benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate, peach oil. For intramuscular use only.
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Composition: 1 vial contains 10 ml solution for injections; each ml contains testosterone enanthate 250 mg.
Excipients: Benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate, peach oil.
For intramuscular use only.

Testosterone enanthate in medicine is the most prescribed drug testosterone-based, it's an oily solution, used to release testosterone slowly.
When administering Testosterone Enanthate, the water retention will increase and will be observed the accumulation of adipose tissue. It's not a steroid recommended for defining or before competitions.
After injection of Testosterone Enanthate may occur adverse effects as: oily skin, acne, hair growth on the body and face, balding.

Testosterone enanthate has a lasting effect, acting up to 2-3 weeks, the recommended dose is 250 mg - 750 mg per week. Would be advisable not to exceed the dose of 750 mg per week, a higher dose will lead to increased water retention.

After using testosterone cypionate, the own production of testosterone will stop. Therefore is recommended that at the cycle end to pursue a cure of HCG (pregnyl), Tomoximed or Clomed.


Great prices good product!

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