SP Drostanol
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Active substance: Drostanolone enanthate
SP Drostanol is popular for his anti-estrogenic features. Since estrogen is complicated to be kept under control during the cycle, bodybuilders are tempted to choose this kind of steroid.
Mainly, this drug will be used during a cutting cycle, and the effects will be more visible when the user is leaner. When getting ready for a competition, this compound will be introduced when a great amount of fat has been already removed. It will be useful to cut off the last bit of fat and will make the body look steady and hard.
It is also a great choice for those that are looking for a boost in strength. The athletes using it should also experiment to enhance the overall recovery rate and muscular endurance.
If the bodybuilder is looking for mass gains during his cycle, then he shall avoid this compound, as it is probably the worse choice for a bulking cycle. Of course, some could include low amounts of this product during the bulking phase, due to its anti-estrogenic traits, but this will not always be able to combat the aromatase induced estrogenic activity.
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