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Lose weight by walking

Walking can burn fat, whether it is done outside or on a sloping treadmill!

Intense conditioning workouts have become the standard for fitness and weight loss. But what about another very effective activity for burning fat, namely walking?

For those who have some muscles, train regularly with weights and want to define themselves a little more, walking can perfectly complete the weight training program.

10 benefits of walking

1 - Do not add stress

Unlike HIIT and fitness, walking adds very little stress to the body. Combine a few HIIT workouts with weight lifting sessions and you can quickly train.

Very hard to overtrain yourself by walking! No stress accumulates, you can walk a lot without problems. Tibia pain can be a problem, but rarely, and if you are careful not to walk on a too steep incline, or if you walk outside you have decent shoes, no problem should occur.

2 - Walking helps you recover after training
After taking a walk you feel better, not worse, and the effects are immediate! Increase blood flow, which will help you recover from injuries and even training.

Some say that walking also has an effect on the spine, helping to align the nerves so as to optimally conduct electrical impulses. That's why walking helps restore sore and stiff muscles.

3 - Burn only fat and almost delco muscles
Walking is a low-intensity physical activity, which means that it largely burns only fat. Yes, walking 10 minutes doesn't burn much fat, but walking at least 4-8 hours a week and the amount of fat burned increases!

The fact that it does not burn muscle mass is the most important thing for you! High-intensity exercise, especially cardio, uses mostly glucose for energy. Normally it is not a problem, the body using muscle glycogen.

But if you are on a weight loss diet and you train with weights, muscle glycogen is already at low levels. If you add intense cardio, your body will release cortisol to convert amino acids to glucose! These amino acids can come from muscles!

For someone with a lot of muscles it is a problem, because what form of energy you have stored most of that source will burn the most. If you have a lot of fat your body will burn quickly from it. If you have more muscles, your body will burn from them!

4 - Does not cause muscle fiber conversion
Walking stimulates type I muscle fibers, not type II ones. HIIT uses mostly type IIs, but tends to convert them to medium power ones, type IIa, instead of the more powerful ones, type IIb or IIx.

An interval of 30 seconds may seem short for cardio, but it is long for someone focused on strength and power and the body will adapt accordingly.

5 - May increase aerobic and physical capacity
Going fast will not make you a marathon runner, but it will increase your VO2 max.

Going at 5.5 km / h on a sloping lane, without holding on to the handles, is not as simple as it sounds. Doing this often can bring you VO2 max in the range of 50+, ideal for those who make great efforts with weights.

6 - Release of stress
Walking is a good activity to spend some time with you and clear your mind. Usually, after finishing a walking session, you feel better and life seems more beautiful.

7 - It is functional
"Functional" has acquired all kinds of connotations, but one of its meanings is this: an activity that mimics and improves daily life. Walking can be the most functional activity you do because moving in space is vital for people.

8 - It has little impact on the joints and you can't go wrong
Walking is easy and low impact, so neither your sensitive knees nor your sore back will be affected by walking. It can even help improve them.

It is preferable to go outside, but if you do it on a treadmill, be careful not to hold on to the handles, especially when you have a degree of inclination.

9 - For a strength athlete it is better than running
Running or jogging also have benefits, but for someone focused on strength training, they are not very useful. Running has a negative impact on power (explosive force). And the heavier you are, the more impact running has on your body. I'm not talking about sprints here, but running at low intensity.

10 - You can do it on an empty stomach
The theory behind empty stomach workouts is that if your body doesn't have carbs, it will burn fat for energy. That's why walking is the perfect activity for that.

Doing HIIT when you haven't eaten is a mistake because it will burn a lot of muscle - if you have some muscle on you.
