Eating a certain type of chocolate can improve your health and even build muscle mass. Here's what this is about!
About 10-15 years ago, research appeared that said eating chocolate is healthy. It had to do with its effects on arachidonic acid and heart health.
The world has gone crazy! Beards and women around the world who had avoided chocolate for years could now put it on the same shelf with spirulina!
Those who carefully considered these findings lived happily. Until they died! And meanwhile, they have developed obesity, diabetes and heart disease!
As usual, the world misinterpreted the results, ate a lot of chocolate and thus contradicted the good advice given by the scientific community. Eating chocolate everyday can be beneficial, if you eat the right kind of chocolate. It can also have beneficial effects for bodybuilders.
What's so special about chocolate?
Chocolate, or more precisely the cocoa it is made from, is rich in a separate polyphenol group. This subgroup of chocolate polyphenols is called flavan-3-ol and proanthocyanins, and can do great things for the human body, including:
I reduce the risk of dying from heart disease. Meta-analyzes of people who ate a lot of cocoa showed a 37% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, a 31% reduction in diabetes, and a 29% lower risk of stroke. Cocoa polyphenols help the cardiovascular system by reducing arrhythmias and heart disease in general, by lowering blood pressure and improving endothelial function. It may also increase insulin sensitivity.
Better erections: Cocoa increases nitric oxide, which in turn facilitates blood flow to the penis.
Improves bowel health: Flavan-3 - cocoa oil increases butyrate an anti-inflammatory compound that influences intestinal homeostasis and energy metabolism by improving the functions of the intestinal barrier. This makes cocoa a pre-biotic food.
Helps Muscle Growth: Flavan-3-ol inhibits myostatin, a limiting factor in muscle growth. At the same time, it stimulates follistatin secretion, which acts to increase muscle mass.
It acts like a natural nerve tonic: Cocoa has neuro-protective effects, ie it protects the nerves from diseases and chemical attacks.
The healthiest type of chocolate
Cu ani in urma, cand s-a dat prima data sfatul e manca ciocolata, lumea a luat cu asalt ciocolata cu lapte. Doar ca varianta sanataosa de ciocolata este cea neagra. Aceasta contine mult mai multi polifenoli si chiar cafeina, care actioneaza sinergetic cu acestia.
Ciocolata cu lapte este plina de zahar si grasimi trans. De aceea nu este un tip sanatos de ciocolata. Mananca doar ciocolata neagra si pentru a fi sigur ca este ce trebuie verifica urmatoarele:
- Trebui sa contina cel putin 70% cacao. Fara ciocolata cu lapte.
- Trebuie sa aibe o lista scurta de ingrediente: solide din lapte, lactoza, cazeina, zer si grasimi din unt.
Exista multe variante sanatoase de ciocolata neagra, fara zahar adaugat. Sa mananci cateva patratele de ciocolata pe zi nu iti afecteaza talia si este chiar benefic. Daca incerci sa slabesti sau sa nu te ingrasi prea tare, tine cont de caloriile aduse de ciocolata mancata si ajusteaza in alte parti ale dietei.