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Does one of the symptoms here affect you?

Do you have a protein deficiency?

Does one of the symptoms here affect you? Or do you have such signs that can give you back and slow down your progress?

Protein deficiencies, especially in athletes and those who train intensely, can have negative consequences. Proteins are the essential building blocks of the human body.

Proteins are the "king" macronutrient when it comes to building muscle mass and physical performance, they are broken down into amino acids, which are the raw material from which muscles are made.

During training, muscle cells are subjected to more stress than normal and to a significant release of lactic acid. Therefore, after training, some of these cells must be rebuilt and others replaced with new cells. All this leads to muscle growth. And in this process, protein synthesis is essential. So without protein, you will have a hard time recovering. A protein deficiency also decreases the performance and the chances of being able to increase your muscle mass. Protein deficiency also negatively affects your health.

Here are some signs that you are suffering from protein deficiency. For more symptoms read also "6 signs that show a protein deficiency".

Training suffers

You already know that you need protein to build muscle mass, but they are also needed to have energy and motivation. A low protein diet can lead to muscle mass degradation (muscle atrophy), fatigue, and even fattening - it can also be the cause of the triad of athletes. In fact, you can train even more and have even fewer results! If the diet does not support your efforts in the gym.

High cholesterol levels

Excessively high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are not caused as much by fatty foods as by increased inflammation, hormonal imbalances and diets too rich in processed foods and refined sugars. If you tend to replace protein foods with snacks full of simple carbohydrates, your cholesterol can rise rapidly as your liver and cells process fat more efficiently. Some studies have found an inverse relationship between protein intake and the risk of heart disease!

Bad sleep

Poor sleep and insomnia can sometimes be linked to unstable blood sugar levels, an increase in cortisol and a decrease in serotonin production! Blood sugar fluctuations during the day have consequences at night. Carbohydrates require much more insulin than protein and fat. Eating protein foods before bed can help produce serotonin by providing tryptophan, and have minimal effect on blood sugar.

You get injured more often and you don't heal as quickly

A low-protein diet increases your risk of losing muscle mass, falling, harder to heal your bones, fractures, and even osteoporosis. Proteins are necessary for calcium absorption and are involved in bone metabolism. Studies show that the elderly with the highest bone loss are those on low-protein diets (16-50 g / day).

Irregular menstrual cycle

One of the most common reasons why women suffer from irregular menstruation and infertility is a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome. Two major risk factors are obesity and pre-diabetes or diabetes. Diets low in protein and high in refined carbohydrates contribute to resistance to insulin, inflammation and fattening, which disrupts the sensitive hormonal balance of women, which is needed to sustain a normal menstrual cycle.

You think slowly and vaguely

Protein is needed for many aspects of neurological health, so protein deficiencies are a serious issue. Blurred thinking, poor concentration, lack of motivation and difficulty retaining new information may be signs of too low levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Neurotransmitters are synthesized in the brain using amino acids, which come from quality proteins.
